Best in Class Talent

The Recuiting Pod has a proprietary methodology to help find the best talent for your organization
Extensive Staffing Experience

We bring over 20 years of experience and capability to the table

50+ Enterprise Customers

The world’s leading organizations trust us to provide them with top tier talent

500+ Active Consultants

We have over 500 consultants working for our customers today

We work with you to find the right fit

The Recuiting Pod has a proprietary methodology to help find the best talent for your organization
Tailored Assessment

Our candidates undergo a rigorous and comprehensive vetting process in which we assess whether they will be a proper match for your organization both from a competency and culture perspective.

Brand Ambassador

We become an extension of you and become well equipped to communicate your brand, culture and mission.

Flexible Engagement

We engage via a model that works best for you – we work with organizations on a retained and one-off basis

Strong Executive Network

Our dedicated Executive Search professionals maintain a proprietary database of senior level talent across 10+ industries.

Value Creation

It wasn’t just the talent they provided, but the thoughtfulness behind it. By working with them we learned about trends in the talent industry and the changes we can make to ensure our organization is more effective.

Vice President, Talent Acquisition

Fortune 50 Telecom Firm

Learn more about how we provided 50+ high end positions for a leading US Insurance Firm